796 research outputs found

    Lattice model of three-dimensional topological singlet superconductor with time-reversal symmetry

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    We study topological phases of time-reversal invariant singlet superconductors in three spatial dimensions. In these particle-hole symmetric systems the topological phases are characterized by an even-numbered winding number ν\nu. At a two-dimensional (2D) surface the topological properties of this quantum state manifest themselves through the presence of ν\nu flavors of gapless Dirac fermion surface states, which are robust against localization from random impurities. We construct a tight-binding model on the diamond lattice that realizes a topologically nontrivial phase, in which the winding number takes the value ν=±2\nu =\pm 2. Disorder corresponds to a (non-localizing) random SU(2) gauge potential for the surface Dirac fermions, leading to a power-law density of states ρ(ϵ)ϵ1/7\rho(\epsilon) \sim \epsilon^{1/7}. The bulk effective field theory is proposed to be the (3+1) dimensional SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with a theta-term at θ=π\theta=\pi.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Case report: Infection with Dicrocoelium dendriticum in a Japanese Chin dog

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    Dicrocoelium dendriticum is a trematode colonising the bile ducts of herbivores. Coproscopic findings in dogs are usually considered gastrointestinal passages of eggs after ingestion of unheated liver tissue or infected ruminant faeces. Here, a Japanese Chin presented with diarrhoea and weight loss. Eggs comparable to D. dendriticum were detected in faeces and infection was confirmed via PCR and by ruling out differential diagnoses. Egg excretion continued for a period of 10 months. Praziquantel (50 mg/kg body weight [BW]) was administered orally for four consecutive days. Egg excretion 10 days after treatment entailed further treatments with 100 mg/kg BW, again for four days. Faecal samples were negative ten days and four weeks afterwards, diarrhoea resolved, and the dog gained weight. In cases of repeated coproscopic positivity for D. dendriticum, an infection with dogs acting as definitive hosts should be considered. Treatment with praziquantel at a higher dosage may be required

    Facharztweiterbildung Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie: Problemorientiertes Lernen - Evaluation eines Modellprojekts

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Betonung individueller Lernbedürfnisse, der Fähigkeit zur Lösung komplexer klinischer Probleme sowie einer von interkollegialer Kommunikation geprägten professionellen Grundhaltung durch das problemorientierte Lernen (POL) spricht für dessen Eignung als didaktisches Format in der Facharztweiterbildung. Dennoch wurde es bisher selten hierfür eingesetzt. Im Rahmen dieses Modellprojektes wurde das POL in das Kurrikulum der strukturierten Facharztweiterbildung Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie aufgenommen und über einen Zeitraum von 12Monaten mittels strukturierter Fragebögen evaluiert. Es fanden im Evaluationszeitraum 41POL-Kurse statt, an denen insgesamt 447 Assistenzärzte teilnahmen. Die Teilnehmer und die Tutoren bewerteten 19 von 21 erfragten Aspekten der POL-Kurse als gut bis sehr gut (Mittelwert auf einer 5-stufigen Likert-Skala >4). Insgesamt wurde das POL als besonders geeignet für die Weiterbildung eingeschätzt (Teilnehmer 4,5±0,8; Tutoren 5,0±0,2). Die Ergebnisse dieses Modellprojekts sprechen für die Eignung des POL als Teil eines vielfältigen Weiterbildungsangebots, um den Praxisbezug und die Anwendbarkeit des Wissens im klinischen Alltag zu stärke

    Electromagnetic and gravitational responses and anomalies in topological insulators and superconductors

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    One of the defining properties of the conventional three-dimensional ("Z2\mathbb{Z}_2-", or "spin-orbit"-) topological insulator is its characteristic magnetoelectric effect, as described by axion electrodynamics. In this paper, we discuss an analogue of such a magnetoelectric effect in the thermal (or gravitational) and the magnetic dipole responses in all symmetry classes which admit topologically non-trivial insulators or superconductors to exist in three dimensions. In particular, for topological superconductors (or superfluids) with time-reversal symmetry which lack SU(2) spin rotation symmetry (e.g. due to spin-orbit interactions), such as the B phase of 3^3He, the thermal response is the only probe which can detect the non-trivial topological character through transport. We show that, for such topological superconductors, applying a temperature gradient produces a thermal- (or mass-) surface current perpendicular to the thermal gradient. Such charge, thermal, or magnetic dipole responses provide a definition of topological insulators and superconductors beyond the single-particle picture. Moreover we find, for a significant part of the 'ten-fold' list of topological insulators found in previous work in the absence of interactions, that in general dimensions the effective field theory describing the space-time responses is governed by a field theory anomaly. Since anomalies are known to be insensitive to whether the underlying fermions are interacting or not, this shows that the classification of these topological insulators is robust to adiabatic deformations by interparticle interactions in general dimensionality. In particular, this applies to symmetry classes DIII, CI, and AIII in three spatial dimensions, and to symmetry classes D and C in two spatial dimensions.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Different Forces, Same Consequence: Conscientiousness and Competence Beliefs are Independent Predictors of Academic Effort and Achievement

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    Conscientiousness and domain-specific competence beliefs are known to be highly important predictors of academic effort and achievement. Given their basis in distinct research traditions, however, these constructs have rarely been examined simultaneously. Three studies with 571, 415, and 1,535 students, respectively, found a moderate association between conscientiousness and competence beliefs, but competence beliefs meaningfully predicted both conscientiousness and academic effort, irrespective of how academic effort was measured (student report or diary data). The associations of competence beliefs with academic effort were highly domain specific, whereas conscientiousness was predictive of academic effort across a wide range of academic subjects. Conscientiousness and competence beliefs were also associated with academic achievement. Cognitive ability, although associated with academic achievement, only loosely predicted academic effort

    Combinatorial Properties of Triangle-Free Rectangle Arrangements and the Squarability Problem

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    We consider arrangements of axis-aligned rectangles in the plane. A geometric arrangement specifies the coordinates of all rectangles, while a combinatorial arrangement specifies only the respective intersection type in which each pair of rectangles intersects. First, we investigate combinatorial contact arrangements, i.e., arrangements of interior-disjoint rectangles, with a triangle-free intersection graph. We show that such rectangle arrangements are in bijection with the 4-orientations of an underlying planar multigraph and prove that there is a corresponding geometric rectangle contact arrangement. Moreover, we prove that every triangle-free planar graph is the contact graph of such an arrangement. Secondly, we introduce the question whether a given rectangle arrangement has a combinatorially equivalent square arrangement. In addition to some necessary conditions and counterexamples, we show that rectangle arrangements pierced by a horizontal line are squarable under certain sufficient conditions.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figures, extended version of a paper to appear at the International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD) 201